
Saturday 23 May 2015

Telling my Story

On Friday 15th of May we had the Junior School cross-country. We ran hard in the mud and puddles; some of us even ran up and down Cycle Mountain!
We decided to tell our cross-country stories. We have done this in two ways. Firstly we panned our writing and then we wrote our story. We used our senses to help add some details to our writing. We thought about what we could see, what we could hear, what we could feel and how we felt in our heart.
We also told our story in ‘code’. With Carolyn we thought about how we can use paint and symbols to share our story. Again we thought about what we could see, what we could hear, what we could feel and how we felt in our heart.

Success Criteria:
  • Plan my writing
  • Add details to my writing
  • Create a code to tell my story
  • Speak clearly and with expression as I tell my story

How I am going
Plan my writing
Kerri thinks

Add details to my writing
Kerri thinks

I really like: adding details to my writing and writing my story for 2 days because it gave me more time to make my story bigger.

I think I need to practice: doing speech marks so people who read my story know who is talking.

Something that really helped me was: using my plan and doing lots of talking about the cross country.

Kerri Thinks
The Russell Street cross country was a great day and you tried your very best on the day and during practise. You carefully planned your writing using your senses and you used your plan to make sure added details. Your next learning step is to make sure you write your ideas in order and group your ideas.

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