
Thursday 4 June 2015

Lizzy shows excellence

We are learning all about Panekiretanga (excellence) as our value this term. We can show excellence in our learning and in our play. We can show excellence at school and at home... we can show excellence anywhere!

We think excellence is:
  • Giving it your your best shot and never giving up
  • If you don’t succeed, try and try again
  • Keep on practising
  • Do some thinking, then ask for help when you don’t know what to do
  • We all have our own excellence, and it can be different for different things
  • We need to encourage others – we show excellence in the way we talk.
  • We use our manners and share, including other people in our games – we show excellence in our play
WALT: show Panekiretanga (excellence) in our learning. 

Show excellence in the classroom:

  1. Using the discovery equipment explore, experiment and try something new. 
  2. We love to try all the discovery activities and work
    together to play collaboratively.
  3. During buddy time work as a team to complete the T-shirt collage with no gaps, thumb size pieces of paper.
    High 5 and Ci7cus learning together
  4. Use your i-time card and follow during maths. Give every activity your best shot and don't give up!
We practise our learning with the teacher and by ourselves.
We never give up!
Remember to show excellence by encouraging and including others and trying your very best.

Success Criteria:
  • I tried my very best
  • I kept on practising even when it was tricky
  • I encouraged others (excellence in my talk)
  • I used my manners, shared and I included other people in my games (excellence in my play)
How I am going

I tried my very best
Kerri thinks

I kept on practising even when it was tricky
Kerri thinks

I encouraged others (excellence in my talk)
Kerri thinks

I used my manners, shared and I included other people in my games (excellence in my play)
Kerri thinks


I really like: buddy time because my buddy helps me 

I think I need to practice incleoding athers because sometimes I do not include athers to my game

Something that really helped me was: my mum and my teacher Kerri 

Kerri thinks
What a great honest reflection Lizzy, sometimes it is tricky to include everybody in our games. Keep thinking about when you need to and when you can play by yourself.
You show excellence in all your learning. You try your very best and you never give up. I know that ohters in our class check what you are doing to make sure they are mking the right choice. You are a leader Lizzy! 

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